Nous habitons Edimbourg, eine Stadt voller Kunst und Musik, where the sun occasionally shines...

Our translation services are tailored to your needs: translation, proofreading, copy-editing, to supply the finished English text that your business or project requires (CV available on request).

Professional Qualifications: 

MSc Translation and Conference Interpreting, Heriot Watt University


Associate of the Institute of Translators and Interpreters*

Association des traducteurs littéraires de France

Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

Teaching :  

Twenty years as Associate Lecture and electronic tutor with the Open University, teaching courses on the European Union and contributing to various publications, such as this article on moderator training and this one on moderating an international discussion

Further information about the OU here:


*The ITI Code of Conduct for Translators can be read here